FCS II AM Al Merrick PC Twin+1 Fins - XL - Demo
FCS II AM PC Twin+1 Fins M-LFCS II AM PC Twin+1 XLarge Fins - XL - Demo
An X-Large pair of twin fins with the added option of a stabilizer - created with fast controlled turns in mind
Channel Islands founder Al Merrick designed this signature Twin Fin set which consists of an X-Large pair of twin fins with the added option of a stabilizer. Created with fast controlled turns in mind, this broad & upright twin fin template gives you blinding speed and quick pivoty direction changes - perfect for slicing up a storm in small to medium waves. A small stabilizing trailer has been added to this set for a of touch of extra control for those of us that are heavier footed.
These fins are a great choice for many of the more specialized small wave & retro crafts that we currently have on our racks or to add a little extra spice to one of your broader tailed boards.
Base: 5.07" / 129mm
Depth: 5.61" / 142mm
Area: 20.37"² / 13140mm²
Sweep: 32.1º
Foil: Flat
Base: 3.94" / 100mm
Depth: 3.69" / 94mm
Area: 9.46"² / 6100mm²
Sweep: 39.2º
Foil: 50/50