
Slater Designs FRK Ibolic

Conceived by head Firewire designer Dan Mann, this design is Kelly’s new performance shortboard for the 2019 WCT season. A departure from more experimental designs with Tomo, this model is more of a straight-up performance shortboard built to allow Kelly’s incredible talents to shine on tour.

“If I had to describe the nuts and bolts of the FRKs design, I’d simply say it’s made to make you forget it’s there. When designing boards for Kelly I’m trying to remove as many variables as possible and make it something that can level up his talents, or the talents of other surfers, without any glitches, or ever feeling like it’s in your way. I can’t wait to see everyone riding it in 19”
- Dan Mann; FRK Designer.

The FRK - Brand New from Kelly Slater and Dan Mann. by Firewire Surfboards on YouTube